Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to travel to Alaska to see a dear friend of mine whom I haven’t seen since we graduated together at BYU-Idaho. 

We had kept in contact throughout the years, but the timing had never worked out for us to meet up until this year.

While there, we rejoiced in one another’s company, but we also set out to accomplish a single objective: tell my friend’s story.

Trevor is one of the most charismatic people I know. His smile is contagious and his energy cannot be tamed.

However, there was a time when Trevor wasn’t himself.

There was a time when I wouldn’t hear back from him for weeks, even months, and it worried me.


There was only so much I could do, yet the one thing I could do is let him know that someone was thinking about it.

I would send text after text, almost daily, hoping I would get a response, and eventually I would.

While conversing on the phone one day - prior to visiting him in Alaska - he thanked me for being one of the few people that checked up on him. 

Sometimes that is all we can do; to check in and be a friend.


The film you are about to see is Trevor’s story. 

One may live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and yet he or she can still feel alone and forgotten.

Regardless of your circumstances or where you may live there is one thought that has the power to redirect one’s life comes from the stories we tell ourselves.


SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this until you have watched the film.

Trevor was haunted by his past, which is why I needed a way to visual explain how he was feeling.

Did he really wake up in the forest one day? I don’t think so, but then again I wouldn’t put it past Trevor 😉.

In the film, Trevor had a reoccurring dream. The dream represents his past memories, the memories he can’t or choses not to let go of.

About the middle of the film, an unexpected visitor arrives; Mary the cat.

Trevor is reluctant, but takes her into his home.

Because of Mary, Trevor cannot bring himself to take his own life for the fear of leaving Mary alone is overwhelming.

Their relationship continues to grow and a special bond forms.

However, Mary’s life dramatically changes as well. She becomes sick.

Trevor is worried, and tries to spend as much time as he can with her.

I don’t want to ruin the ending because what fun would that be?!

However, I will leave you with this: Is Mary real?

Thank you for watching and supporting me in a cause so much greater than myself. You are the reason why I do what I do day in and day out.

It takes a lot of time, money and commitment to produce a film like this. If you benefited from this film, consider making a donation so that we can continue to make more in the future.

Not only are you supporting a grass roots movement, but you will become a part of something greater than oneself. Because everyone deserves to be a part of something greater.

The answer lies not in how we make films, but instead in how we choose which films we make.


Read This Before You Start Any Creative Endeavor


Why I Glidecam